Monday, November 29, 2010

Wire Wrap Jewelry Makes The Perfect One Of A Kind Gift

Wire wrap jewelry is a perfect choice when you must find that special gift for your girlfriend or future wife. This is one of the most appropriate gifts you could select because a wire wrapped cabochon or crystal will be the ultimate one-of-a-kind gift demonstrating that it is as unique as she is to you.

Natural gemstones used in wire wrap jewelry pendants guarantee that your gift will be something that no one else in the world will ever have.

And the beauty of making such a gift choice is that the color, style and materials that you can select from will suit whatever fashion style she desires. Some cost effective wire wrap jewelry pieces are done in sterling silver or bronze while other more elaborate materials would include gold or silver. So depending on your budget, there is easily a wire wrap piece that will serve the purpose just fine.

Next is the selection of the stone or pendant. Some cabochon pendants follow standard shapes and sizes, cut from templates, while others are free form and can take on any number of angles and design patterns within the stone. So depending on whether you are shopping for that tradition lady or the gal who is carefree and know to kick up her heels will give you some insight as to what type of stone that will suit her fancy.

An addition stone consideration will also be the color of the stone and this would simply require that you know one of two critical pieces of information (that you should already know, by the way!) You can choose the stone according to the month of her birth - and you can find out what stone corresponds to what month by visiting the USGS website. Or, in the alternative, you can make your selection based upon her favorite color or something that will compliment the color of the clothes she typically wears.

Finally, the wire wrap design itself is the next consideration. And just as no two stones will be alike, neither will any two wire wrap jewelry designs. You will discover delicate, ornate designs as well as bold and dashing designs with flair. Again, think about that special woman in you life and observe jewelry pieces that she currently wears and that will give you your first and most valuable clue.

And when in doubt, consult with the jewelery maker. Those who are passionate about their wire wrap jewelry making are equally passionate about they buyers who will be proudly wearing their pieces. And telling the artist that you are looking for a special gift will give you an opportunity to have them suggest the perfect piece that your special lady will treasure for a lifetime.

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